Status update on all issues


The newly upgraded FUNC Platform welcomes you with 5 issues currently open for joint assessment.

The Gas Network Codes Functionality (FUNC) Platform has been in operation since it was first launched in 2016. Up until now, 19 issues have been reported on the FUNC Platform, 14 out of these issues have been solved, closed, or withdrawn by the issue poster. The newly upgraded FUNC Platform welcomes you with 5 issues currently open for joint assessment. You can find all the issues here.

On the new Platform, also non-registered users have access to and can read the issue solutions. The latest issue solution was published 4th June 2020 for the issue on reported auction restrictions in the NCG market area. The solution provides a number of criteria to consider when reallocating capacities from interconnection points to domestic exit points in exceptional cases. The full issue solution and supporting documents can be found here.

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The issue solution for FUNC issue ID 02/2019 has been published
