Solution for increased flexibility to book firm gas capacity at interconnection points


ACER and ENTSOG propose solution for increased flexibility to book firm gas capacity at interconnect

On 31 May 2023 the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) have published a series of proposals that address an issue reported on the Functionality Platform by providing shippers with greater flexibility to book firm capacity at interconnection points (IPs).
In  2020, the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) reported a functionality process issue to the Functionality Platform and proposed to enhance the availability of firm gas capacity at IPs.
Currently the standard auction timetable could, under certain circumstances, limit gas trading opportunities which could affect market efficiency and the quantity of capacity sold by Transmission System Operators (TSOs).
EFET’s proposal suggests enabling TSOs to sell firm IP capacity in uniform price allocation (UPA) auctions outside the current yearly, quarterly and monthly auctions envisaged by the Capacity Allocation Mechanisms network code (CAM NC).
The ACER and ENTSOG proposed solutions go beyond the initial EFET proposal. They aim to enhance the effectiveness of the CAM NC, while ensuring its adaptability with market conditions and market participants’ needs by:

•          Introducing additional booking opportunities;
•          Allowing for advance booking of monthly and daily capacity products;
•          Improving the efficiency of allocation process;
•          Introducing more flexibility to adapt several CAM rules and parameters.  

The Issue Solution Note and the Issue Solution Supporting Note (Annex I) are available at the case page: Greater flexibility to book firm capacity at IPs.
Additional documents (including Annex II to the Issue Solution) will be published by ACER and ENTSOG, transposing the measures into the CAM network code amendments.

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