Public consultation results


Results for the public consultation on format and protocols for communication to booking platforms

A summary of the results for the public consultation on the two isses, 01/2019 Missing harmonisation of interfaces on capacity platforms and 03/2019 Capacity trading platforms - absence of harmonisation across Europe were published today.

The Public Consultation was launched on 8 January 2020 and 30 participants responded to the public consultation before its closing date on 28 February 2020. The objective of the Public consultation was to get a better understanding of network users’ preferences in having a common format and protocol for communication to Capacity Booking Platforms.

The majority of the participants were in favour of having both a common format and a common protocol. The majority indicated strong support for Edig@s as the common format for future communication with Capacity Booking Platforms and AS4 was indicated as the preferred protocol. 

You can access the full summary of the public consultation results by clicking on this link

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